5 Tips to improve the way you manage your translators
The greatest value of any business is the people. No translation agency can survive without their translators, who usually have a lot of pressure put on them to deliver high quality products on time. Therefore, keeping their motivation on a highest level is crucial if you want them to treat your projects as a priority.
1 – Effective Communication
Giving unclear instructions, not sharing feedback or leaving some employees’ questions without answers may cause delays in delivery. Any communication problem will slow down projects and deteriorate their quality. Therefore, it is necessary to get up-to-date status information from your translators.
2 – Passing on feedback to translators
With larger projects, the distance between the translator and the client grows. Passing on the customers’ feedback to translators is key to keeping spirits high. It lets them know that their work is appreciated, and it also allows them to improve their skills.
3 – Using Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools
These tools manage term bases and translation memories, which guarantees high translation quality and minimal delivery time. These tools can be integrated with Translation Business Management Systems, like FlowFit, that manage the required paperwork and coordinate deliveries to clients. Translators will not have to waste time getting through all emails, and will only need a single online portal to get all project-related information.
4 – Keeping an up-to-date calendar
If you do not want to bother your translators during their time off, you should keep an up-to-date calendar. Sending them requests without respecting their time off can put a strain on your relationship.
5 – Considering specializations
Tensions between you and your vendor can occur when he is overloaded. To maintain the best relationship quality possible, the translator’s specialization should determine the assignments. If you delegate many different projects to one vendor without considering their specialization, it can impact their work’s quality, deteriorate their motivation, and even lead to a burnout. Consider posting translator jobs to find specialized experts.