FlowFit is a comprehensive tool that makes managing language projects much easier thanks to its easy and intuitive interface.
Continue readingConsoltec achieves Cybersecurity Canada Certification
Celebrating Consoltec’s 20th Anniversary!
This year Consoltec participated in the traditional ESTim competition!
Consoltec becomes a Microsoft partner and brings FlowFit to a higher level
Today, Consoltec is moving closer to its goals by developing a brand new partnership with Microsoft that will improve all of the past research and development.
Continue readingThe Angus Technopole: our action in favour of ecology.
Continue readingSummer is slowly coming to Montreal; the trees are sprouting, and what better time than now to discuss the Technopôle Angus…
Our commitment to the environment!
We are sponsoring memoQfest in Budapest!
Continue readingCome and see the FlowFit and memoQ integration on 7-9 June 2017 in Budapest, Hungary!
GALA Conference: The Language of Business
Continue readingConsoltec team is excited to have been given the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor at the GALA.
Consoltec participates at the OTTIAQ Conference: An unforgettable experience
Continue readingAfter weeks of hard work, Consoltec team was ecstatic to finally attend the OTTIAQ conference on November 20th.